“Dedwood”: è iniziata la produzione del film della serie HBO

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Deadwood è di nuovo vivo! Star W. Earl Brown ha appena rivelato che la produzione del film di reunion della serie HBO è iniziata.

Come riportato in precedenza, il film TV sarà il seguito della serie HBO, che si è conclusa nel 2006. Il film western è stato interpretato da Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane, Molly Parker, Jim Beaver, W. Earl Brown, Kim Dickens, Brad Dourif, e John Hawkes.

Su Instagram, Brown ha pubblicato foto dal set del film Deadwood . HBO non ha ancora annunciato una data in anteprima, ma Brown dice che il film potrebbe essere pubblicato appena maggio 2019.

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The Many Faces Of Dority. It’s great to revisit them. #deadwoodreturns

Un post condiviso da W Earl Brown (@wearlbrown) in data:


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It was a moment twelve year in the making. I didn’t want to miss a second of it, so I got there early. The room was ready, tables arranged in a circle, scripts appropriately distributed, place cards in place. The moment was drawing close. Another cast member had the same idea as I did and got there early. We said our howdys at the craft service table. I grabbed a coffee & a muffin and went for a walk. I again took in the Thoroughfare, I again sat on the step of the Chez Ami, I again offered prayers of gratitude to whatever Spirit that aligned the Universe and brought us all back here to this place. I could see fellow cast arriving at the gate, so I meandered through Chinaman’s Alley on my way back to the conference room. About half of our cast was at the Table Read – 12 regulars by my count. We had guest actors filling in for those who couldn’t attend. Trust me, everyone wanted to be there, but other commitments kept some away. Me – I agreed to a Red Eye tonight so I could be there. Cast, crew , and execs crowded into the room – about fifty in all. The moment had arrived… The first line of dialogue spoken is an acknowledgment of Time’s passage. One need only look around the room at the age evident in the faces of my fellow cast to see it, but to hear it spoken in the glorious words of the Maestro made the moment so much more real. The actor assigned that piece of dialogue began… and choked up before being able to get the words out. The next sound will likely remain with me the rest of my days – PFFFT, PFFFT, PFFFT… it was tissues being pulled from the various boxes spread about the room. Knowing I’m prone to the sentimental & maudlin now and again, I’d brought along a bandana for myself (plus it looked cool with my hat and boots). I don’t think there was a dry eye in that room. The actor took a long, deep breath, and resumed. We were back. For two hours we focused on the pages. We laughed; we cried; we shared a moment a dozen years in the making. For two hours, all Hearts present beat the same rhythm and all Spirits drew the same breath. Thomas Wolfe wrote, “you can’t go home again” Today we proved that cocksucker wrong. #deadwoodreturns

Un post condiviso da W Earl Brown (@wearlbrown) in data:

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