Sei un fan di Timeless? Recentemente, gli sceneggiatori della NBC TV hanno annunciato una nuova campagna per ringraziare i fan per il loro sostegno.
Il dramma del viaggio nel tempo segue la squadra inaspettata di un professore di storia (Abigail Spencer), un soldato (Matt Lanter) e uno scienziato (Malcolm Barrett) mentre intraprendono l’avventura di una vita per fermare un misterioso cattivo. Il cast comprende anche Goran Visnjic, Paterson Joseph, Sakina Jaffrey e Claudia Doumit.
Su Twitter, gli scrittori di Timeless hanno annunciato che pubblicheranno le scene eliminate dalle prime due stagioni dello show, se i fan avranno #RenewTimeless trend. A partire dalla segnalazione, NBC deve ancora rinnovare la serie per una terza stagione.
As we all wait on a #RenewTimeless decision, we’re toying with releasing some deleted scenes from the first two seasons for your enjoyment. 5,000 Likes and 2,500 retweets of this tweet will unlock the first one. Also: Let’s get #RenewTimeless trending!
— Timeless Writers (@TheTimelessRoom) 23 maggio 2018
You all got to those 5,000 likes and 2,500 retweets quicker than we thought you would! Working with our post department to get clips and clear music so that we can start posting deleted scenes quickly. Thanks #ClockBlockers!
— Timeless Writers (@TheTimelessRoom) 24 maggio 2018
Actually, we’re posting two deleted scenes today, but they would have aired back to back. These are from #203, our Hollywoodland ep. Originally the sleeper’s dad stayed in the story, but we had to cut this sequence for time. #RenewTimeless
— Timeless Writers (@TheTimelessRoom) 28 maggio 2018
Here’s today’s deleted scene. From our Salem episode. We wanted to show our new Time Team stealing clothes, but @malcolmbarrett‘s performance made the scene unusable (actually we had to cut for time and wanted to open on a more serious tone with Proctor’s Ledge). #RenewTimeless
— Timeless Writers (@TheTimelessRoom) 27 maggio 2018
Today’s deleted scene was cut to make time & also because we worried it advanced the #Lyatt romance too quickly before events of the next two eps. Sweet scene near end of #201 of Wyatt w/an exhausted Lucy after safely getting her back home. #RenewTimeless
— Timeless Writers (@TheTimelessRoom) 26 maggio 2018
Thanks #ClockBlockers for your continued support and advocacy for the #RenewTimeless movement. Here’s today’s deleted scene as your reward. Keep tweeting and supporting the show!
— Timeless Writers (@TheTimelessRoom) 25 maggio 2018
Hey #ClockBlockers! We hope you’re enjoying these deleted scenes. Please keep pounding social media with your desire to #RenewTimeless! Important people are watching and listening.
— Timeless Writers (@TheTimelessRoom) 27 maggio 2018
Cosa ne pensi? Guardi Timeless? Vuoi una terza stagione? Fatecelo sapere lasciandoci un commento!!