Come riportato in precedenza, trovate l’articolo qui, Netflix ha annullato Disjointed. Ora, il cast e la troupe condividono i loro pensieri sulla cancellazione della serie TV.
Da Chuck Lorre, la commedia è incentrata su Ruth (Kathy Bates), l’orgoglioso proprietario di un dispensario di marijuana della zona di Los Angeles . Il cast comprende anche Dougie Baldwin, Elizabeth Ho, Chris Redd, Tone Bell, Aaron Moten, Elizabeth Alderfer, Betsy Sodero, Nicole Sullivan, Michael Trucco e Mae Harrington.
Sui social media, la star di Disjointed Michael Trucco e lo showrunner David Javerbaum e i produttori Ron Hart e John D. Beck hanno condiviso i loro pensieri sulla cancellazione della serie Netflix.
I love these guys like a family & I loved making this show. So sad to see it go
Thank you ALL so much for watching! @MsKathyBates @RealElizabethHo @SullivanNicole @LizAlderfer @BirdySoderdy @toneBell @AaroncMoten @Reddsaidit @DougieBaldwin @davidjaverbaum #Disjointed #gonetoosoon— Michael Trucco (@MichaelTrucco) 14 febbraio 2018
I’m sure there’ll be an official announcement coming but I just wanted you ALL to know how much we appreciate you, the fans! Even if they didn’t hear you guys, you should know that WE, the cast, heard you! We saw your tweets, felt the love. Thanks for the ride, it was fun.
— Michael Trucco (@MichaelTrucco) 14 febbraio 2018
Right back at you, buddy.
— David Javerbaum (@davidjaverbaum) 14 febbraio 2018
This is very sad news. It was a blast getting to work on this show. #Disjointed
— Ron Hart (@Scatter) 14 febbraio 2018
Sad to share this news. I was proud of the work we did & loved working with the talented people who called #disjointed home. @MsKathyBates @toneBell @RealElizabethHo @AaroncMoten @LizAlderfer @MichaelTrucco @Reddsaidit @BirdySoderdy @SullivanNicole @davidjaverbaum @Scatter RT plz
— John D Beck (@JohnDBeckTV) 15 febbraio 2018
Cosa ne pensi? Hai visto Disjointed? Pensi che meritasse una seconda stagione? Fatecelo sapere lasciandoci un commento!!